A Shared Path | A railway that unlocks countless opportunities

环球视野 1 2024-08-03 06:40:20

In Laos, we have met the young and buoyant Sida Phengphongsawanh. In Dec. 2021, the China-Laos Railway fully entered into service. The railway that spans over 1,000 km unlocks countless opportunities for residents along the route. Sida fulfilled her wish of becoming a railway maintenance worker. #ASharedPath


上一篇:国家防总:海河流域水旱灾害风险偏重 要做好隐患排查整改 发稿时间:2024-05-01 15:40:00 来源: 央视新闻
下一篇:秦皇岛:文旅市场热 游玩“花式”新

